Saturday, January 22, 2005

I like to think that the only religious bone in my body is my tailbone, so that I can sit on it and suppress it.

It's not like I have anything against religious people, I just don't appreciate it when people try to convert me. I mean, I have a lot of religious friends, Christian, Bhuddist, Jewish, Sikh, Muslim etc. and they're all pretty good about it, but every once in a while, one of them (usually Christian) will try to convert me without even noticing. Yesterday I was innocently reading a Harry Potter fanfic and at the end of each chapter, there was an author's note saying "Praise be to God!" or "Thank you to God for helping me write this chapter!" or "God is gracious!" get the picture. It was sickening and slightly disturbing that someone my age would be that sucked in. But what do I know? I'm just your friendly aethiest, living on a street full of happy little retired Christians, who wouldn't miss church on Sunday if their lives depended on it. By the way, if you heard about that pastor in Maple Ridge, who died in that snowstorm very recently, that's where most of them go. I think. That church is somewhat near my house . I hate living in Maple Ridge. It makes having a decent social life that more difficult. Oh well, I am going to go eat mushrooms and complain about my sudden moment of insecurity to anyone who'll listen, which is no one at the moment. Ooooo look my phone is fully charged. Such a pretty green...
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

I know!
Let's create our own religion!
It will be fun!

Ahh I have to lay off of the mushrooms.


3:30 p.m.  

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