Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Two exams next week

I finally got an A on my last math test. What's pathetic is that it was triganometry and that is so easy. It's not my fault that I'm crappy at math. I'm considering doing normal, non-IB math next year.

Ahhhh! I'm so stressed these days! So much schoolwork, plus studying, plus the fact that one of my friends was depressed today (love you lots Krystal! If you ever need anything, just ask, or phone me), plus the fact that I really haven't felt any real emotion for the past few days.

I hate apathy.

Anyways, the final that I'm really worried about is math. I'm going to tutorials, or rather, I'm forced to go to tutorials, where we are in charge of working and doing our own thing. It really isn't much of a tutorial, since the only time that I see my math teacher is when he comes in to make sure that we are there. Only one more day of math!!!!!!! I'm really good at science so I'm not really worried about that one.

Dinner's ready...

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