Sunday, February 20, 2005

Stupid sister.

I still smell like stage makeup. Sheesh. The things I do for my grandmother.

It seems like today, I can do nothing that I want to. I was just sitting down to read, when my dad called me to go help him with electrical work (he forgets that I try to electrocute myself every time I do anything electrical) in the kitchen, which was painted yesterday. Hee hee, we thought that it would be a sort of greyish-bluish-greyish colour, but it actually turned out quite purple. Anyways, I had just started to do that, when my mom called me to go vacuum the inside of the van. After that, I had to watch my cat, who isn't allowed into the front yard, but somehow made her way out there. As I was walking inside to go put the vacuum away, my mom asked me to help make lunch, even though I can't cook. So I put the vacuum away and went over to help my mom, and my dad comes up and asks me to vacuum out his boots because they're full of sawdust. But as I was going to go do that, my sister asked me to go set the table. I was in the middle of that, when my dad came back and demanded to know why I hadn't vacuumed his boots yet. Now, my parents have gone to go visit my grandmother in Chilliwack, and I have a list of chores, including the dishes, obviously, and washing the kitchen floor. On the other hand, Erin hasn't done anything today, and doesn't have a list of chores, because she has to study for exams. Of course, when I walked by earlier, she was on the computer, and she definitely was not studying. Erin is kicking me off soon, and hopefully she will do some actual work. Unfortunately for me, even if she doesn't, she will still use the same excuse so that I can't go on the computer. I hate being the younger sibling.

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