Wednesday, March 23, 2005

My dad says it's nice that I've found a replacement family.

Today I almost fell asleep at Sean's house, but sleep is still beyond my reach. I seriously don't know what is wrong with me. After failing to see it in theatres on three seperate occasions, I have finally seen The Incredibles. It was pretty good. It would have been a lot better if a certain someone hadn't been going on and on about how he'd love to have superpowers. Sheesh Sean, you're such a guy! But I love your house. Your house has real appliances and real beds and other luxuries like that. The only reason why I don't love your house is because of the whole cell phone reception thing. Hmmmm, Sean with a cell phone. This is like deja vu. I remember feeling this sense of foreboding and "Oooo! I wonder how many times that poor phone is going to be lost!" just a little over a year ago when Siobhan got her first phone. Ha ha, and I was right too. More than once I've been sprawled out on her couch and discovered her phone between the cushions.

Hmmm, Erin seems to have disappeared. Whatever.

I'm bored of this.

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