Friday, March 18, 2005

Party hearty

I am at Katie's house right now, and later we are going over to SUS's house for a birthday party. Her birthday was last Saturday, but we forgot to throw her a party, so her birthday has been extended for three weeks, or so Krisha says.

Spring Break! I intend to sleep in tomorrow, hopefully all day. I wish. Tomorrow I will probably sleep in till about eight-thirty, if I sleep at all. Unfortunately, my parents have decided that they will stay home all of spring break and try to finish the bedrooms so I won't have to sleep on a mattress in the livingroom anymore. Jason is going on a cruise to the Bahamas all of next week, so today he was bombarded with people trying to get him to buy them cheap souveniers, me included. At least I didn't demand that he bring me back some sand like Tania did. All I want is a postcard to add to my collection of postcards from places that I have never been to.

I had a socials test and in-class essay today. It was surprisingly easy, considering the fact that I didn't study and I haven't done my socials homework for the past three weeks. I hate Mr. Sidhu. On the informal report card that I got today, he only gave me an "S" which was very stupid, since he based the whole thing on not being late, and shutting up at the second bell. Idiot. On the other hand, I got my academic honour roll and work habits honour roll certificates today.

There's a cross-country meet in September in LA that I want to go to. I really really really want to go. It's first come first served and I've already emailed Mr. Lenton, who is in charge of putting together the team from the Coquitlam area. I have an advantage because he used to work at Moody Middle so he knows me and my dad, who worked there for a year and a half.

Anyways, I really should stop typing because I'm being really antisocial right now. Also, I heard something about hummus...

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