Sunday, March 20, 2005

"You think you have it all, right until the pain kicks in."

I am forced to use Erin's laptop right now because for some odd reason, she couldn't use it to type up her papers. I don't really care, but I think that the only reason why I'm even touching her computer is because I wouldn't stop complaining that she has had the computer all weekend.

Today I went to the symphony concert thing, then went to the Red Onion in Kerrisdale to eat bagel thins and pie. That is one of the only reasons that I go to these concerts, other than to be cultured, to listen to nice music and to catch up on my reading. I like pie. Plus, we were listening to Deep Purple on the way home. I should put some Deep Purple on my mp3 player.

Arg, I'm so bored and lonely. My knee hurts. In fact, I am in a lot of physical pain. I think I pulled something in my shoulder last week. And I still can't sleep. I hate my life right now. But then again, doesn't everybody at one time or another? I have the strongest urge to swear out loud for five minutes straight, but I'm not going to. I can't multi-task. I can' type and swear and listen to music and yell at Erin to turn her music down all at the same time.

I wish this laptop had a proper mouse. I hate these laptop mouse things. They tend to jump around on me. This is completely irrelevant to what I was talking about before. What was I talking about before? I am now going to compare the laptop mouse thing to my life. Both are completely annoying and tend to jump around a lot. It's amazing how I can fool people ino thinking I'm hyper.

My mom is sending disapproving looks in my general direction. My parents don't like it when I wear tank tops because I show too much skin. Frankly, I don't care. I don't think my mom really cares either, she just pretends to because of my dad. I think my dad thinks that just because I wear makeup and sometimes low cut shirts, I am turning into a slut, just like all of those problem children he has been dealing with in highschools for the past sixteen years. Since when have I been a problem child? Yeah, I don't get perfect grades like I did last year, but at least I didn't skip fourty-three math classes last semester like some people did, Sean. Sometimes I wonder if you even have a brain. Oh damn, I didn't really mean that. I could never say that about you. I wuv you sooooo much. Ummmm, yes... I think I'm going to go to bed now. I have been deprived of talking to normal people for too long.
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Thanks, that's sweet of you.

As for being depressed, I'm not really depressed right now, just tired of the world and the people in it. It's kind of complicated. My best advice is so go and find a group of friends that enjoy being with you and want you to be happy. Or better yet, find someone who just makes you happy by just being there. Luckily, I have both, so there is no reason why I should be feeling this way at all. I suppose it's the stress and the not living anywhere near my friends.

Anyways, be happy. I'm much better at comforting people when I can see them, so sorry if this really didn't help.


2:07 p.m.  

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