Monday, April 04, 2005

Abby's shitty day.

It's sort of like "Sally's busy day," but I don't think my wrists caught on fire at all today. Today I randomly wrote things on random pieces of paper because I knew I would forget everything if I tried to remember it all. I seem to have a hell of a lot of homework tonight, most concerning that bloody trial, so I am only going to put in the most important thing I wrote today.

1:13 pm
There's no way in hell I can concentrate on French now. I just listened to a voice message from mom saying that auntie can't pick me up and I'm not going to babysit Garrett because Garrett is in the the E.R. They say she might have pneumonia. She's been sick for a while now, but today she was worse and now I'm really worried because there's a chance she might die. I only hope that Kendall doesn't get pneumonia as well because she would probably die if she did...

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