Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Damn school always gets into the way.

My internet was down yesterday and that was sad.

My sister just told me that I have salmonella. Evil child just wants me out of the house.

Yes, she is a child. She's not nineteen yet. Being four years older than me doesn't change anything.

Today I played the comforting friend role. People tell me I'm good at that. It comes naturally. Dad is a youth worker, although he spends more time trying to keep people from beating the shit out of each other than comforting people these days. This time it was Betty, who couldn't take the pressure of being a witness. She was on the stand for about fourty five minutes, sitting though our own questioning, then bravely holding out through almost half an hour of cross-examination, Mikhael taking up fifteen minutes of that, then answering questions during redirection. You could tell she was nervous; her voice trembled the whole time. After she sat down, she started crying. Ms. Vogel immediately recessed the court, and she took Betty and also David, Sam and I, outside the classroom, where she congratulated Betty on doing the best she could and congratulating us on preparing her as best we could. Since the next witness called up was Alex, and it was David who was asking him questions, I got permission to walk with Betty to calm her down. We walked around for about fifteen minutes, then went back to class, where everyone gave her a round of applause. While we were walking, we talked about what had happened, and she told me about other times where she had broken down under pressure, and I told her about my small breakdown in class last year. I seriously wish Aiden would die sometimes.

Anyways, did another dictée in French today. I did okay i guess, better than the last one. I'm starting to hate the environment, but only the French environment. L'environnement. I still like the English environment though...

I'm tired, and the Amazing Race is so much more interesting. Ciao darlings.
Anonymous Anonymous mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

hrmmm no offense to betty shes a smarty and all but she had it coming. She was making up stuff as she went and mikhael was just waiting to tear her down. Now tina is someone to feel sorry for. She had Omar cross-examine her. Anyways I dont know to much about your comforting skills but it never works on me eh? *STONE FACE* im out.

10:10 p.m.  
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Siobhan, isn't the media supposed to be unbiased? You certainly aren't. Maybe it's just me that you don't like anymore. Betty did just fine, and Ms. Vogel is giving her full marks.

As for Tina, I am aware that she was upset, because she told me in French. I would have bought her a cookie too, but the cafeteria was closed by then.

Sheesh. Remind me never to talk to you again.

10:44 p.m.  
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Haha, I don't really care. I can read it, and this way, my sister can't. Evil child.

5:38 p.m.  

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