Sunday, April 17, 2005

You have to love Vancouver weather.

Sun Run! Sun Running!! In the rain! It was so bloody cold. In fact, I'm still cold. Anyways, the run was okay, but I'm a little sore now. I had to stop a couple of times because I was in so much pain. On the way back to the bus Sean, Megan, Jamie and I got lost and ended up taking many detours. Haha, it was all Megan's fault!

I got to hang out with Garrett today, since Auntie Paula was going to visit my great uncle, who is dying of liver cancer. My mom spent a few hours entertaining her while I was running. After my mom picked me up, we had to go to Petcetera to see "da kitties and da fishes (all of them named Nemo)." I think my mom was running out of ideas. Afterwards, we took her home, and spent a few minutes talking to my aunt (whose mother-in-law apparently collapsed this morning. We had lots to talk about).

So now I'm at home. Mom and Erin are at a dance competition, and for some reason, mom has dad's wallet, so we are left to fend for ourselves. I am doing "homework" so dad is making dinner. I really should do actual homework. Haha, I'm such a slacker. After dinner I'm going to run to Starbucks and buy coffee. Yes...

At least it's not raining anymore.

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