Sunday, May 01, 2005

By the way, watch "What the bleep do we know?" It's a really interesting movie.

Today I spent most of the day at Robson Square, promoting Youth Week. Robson Square is in front of and all around the Vancouver Art Gallery for all of you non-Vancouverites. Anyways, I was there only for about five hours, but I was pretty busy *cough* the whole time. Basically, I was supposed to be a floater wandering around and promoting the event, but I spent almost the whole time sitting at the information booth, only taking a ten minute break to run to the closest Starbucks (seriously, there are about eight of them scattered around Robson Square) and buy a frapp and an oat fudge bar. I feel really special, though, like I made a difference. I gave flowers to an Aboriginal Elder woman from a Haida tribe,who helped kick off the event, told countless people about Youth Week and gave them fliers, and helped two homeless people make a living by giving them any empty waterbottles as I could (and there were a lot. We are a very health conscious group...if you don't count the KFC that Tania's mom brought, the Starbucks, the sugar-filled gum, the chocolate and the licorice...) Tania (not the one at school) and her boyfriend, Marko (once again, not the one from school), kept me company most of the time, as Tania had knee surgery last week and couldn't walk very much. The event itself was fun, with live bands playing on a stage on one side of the square, and DJs and breakdancing competitions going on underground on the other. There were a few tables near the info booth, promoting individual organizations and selling crafts and other such things. For example, we were almost right next to the people promoting safe sex, and they had people randomly giving out condoms to people walking by. The Beat was there with a van, playing music from their station, which was kind of annoying because I can't stand that crap, but whatever. There were a couple media out there, filming and interviewing people, although yours truly didn't get on t.v. as far as I know. All of the volunteers got t-shirts, which are baby blue (unless you are Ray, then yours is lime green) and say Youth Week, Youth Vibes Making Waves on the front in brown. Since I am on the Vancouver Youth Week Youth Steering committee, mine also says "Crew" on the back. I shall wear it to school tomorrow. I also scored one of the last two baby-tees. Tania got the other one. Haha, we had to beg and plead for them. I also got a Youth Week lanyard, which I attached my cell phone to.

Anyways, I am desperately trying to finish my homework, so I really should go. Plus I need to have a shower, and if I leave it any longer tonight, my dad will turn off the water right in the middle of it. So ciao darlings, I must leave you now. I will talk about that movie, tonight's dinner, and visiting my bitchy grandmother (it was her birthday yesterday) tomorrow.

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