Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Something foreign this way comes.

There is something foreign in my eye and I'm not talking about my contacts. Yes, after three and a half years of begging my parents, I finally have contacts. For how long? I don't know. My dad pulled the same thing on me that he did when I told him that Sean and I were going out. For a while he was happy about it, then later he was pissed and although this time it isn't the "You're too young" argument, it's the "These things are way too expensive." And they are. But I can pay it for a couple of years if they want me to. It's only five hundred dollars a year.

Anyways, today in the mail, Erin received all of the Kaizers Orchestra CD's. She had them sent from Norway, so it cost her about three hundred and eighteen dollars. The only problem is she has walked away and the unopened package is just sitting there. I have been staring at it for an hour and a half. It's getting really annoying. If I had gotten a package from Norway with a bunch of CD's filled with great music that you can't get in North America, or any country that isn't Scandinavian, I would have opened it as soon as I had gotten it and would be listening to them right now.

Too much English homework recently has resulted in me not being able to speak English. I had been saying a lot of unintelligible things in the past few hours.

Haha, nevermind, we're listening to them right now. I just took my contacts out and one fell out while I was trying to take it out. Stupid thing. They're the disposable ones though, so it doesn't really matter. My mom found it on the floor. I still ended up pinching my eye. It really hurt. dad doesn't know how to burn a CD. I would laugh about this more, but he's sitting almost right behind me. I should go and read my book for my independent novel study anyways before Queer Eye comes on, so I will leave you now.

Ohohohohoh!!!!! Krisha and I got married yesterday in block three. Our wedding party is a few weekends from now. We are going to France for our honeymoon...if that happens at all. All the roles are non-gender specific, so not only do we have a maid of honour and a bridesmaid, we also have a best man/girl and a primary caregiver of the bride.

Queer Eye is on in about five minutes, so I am going to go now. Ciao.

(Listening to a sond called Bastard. I've had this one stuck in my head quite a bit recently. BASTARD!)
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Excuse me?

The wedding is not off, and I don't hate everyone. From the middle of block four on Friday through to when I was picked up after school, I was just not talking too piss Megan off. Before that I was actually depressed, but I was actually really hyper in French. Katie and SUS were in on it you know. Ask them if you don't believe me.

Can Synnove come to our wedding party? She has her heart set on being a flower girl.

12:04 p.m.  
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Well dear, if you don't marry me, you are giving up your chance to party, and since we were actually going to plan this on a day when I actually could come, and not when I was camping or my parents were taking me to Logan Lake...well I guess I will stay home and play mind-dimming games on the computer and look at that cute picture of myself when I was four.

By the way, I am very sensitive right now, so if I randomly start avoiding everyone and staring at that purple locker across from mine, please tell Megan to leave me alone. I don't think she gets it.

Thank you.

10:05 p.m.  

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