Monday, May 02, 2005

This is seriously starting to depress me.

It figures that I'm sick today, because I really wanted to show off my new shirt, though, I suppose that Youth Week is on until Saturday, so I have the rest of the week to do so. It is rather annoying. I hate missing school. On the bright side, I have more time to work on my lit review. I am also currently listening to Sigur Rós, an Icelandic band that I'm really fond of. Their music is rather quiet, but it sounds cool, so I like it.

Tonight I have to go to a stupid fucking pathfinder meeting about my gold camp, which is supposedly taking place this weekend. I wish they'd tell me these things. I want to get my Canada Cord, but I don't want to get it based on a bunch of lies. I am supposed to plan my camp almost completely by myself. All I have done is fill out a bit of paperwork. I only found out last week where I was going this weekend, and I don't even know my budget. I do know that this will cost me a lot and it's almost a complete waste of time. We are going on a one night, a fucking ONE NIGHT camp on Newcastle Island, just because Liz, the leader's daughter, wanted to go there. Now, this will mean we have to take two ferries (the first one on Saturday leaving at nine thirty in the morning, and it's a two hour drive there from my house) and we will have to hike for five kilometres while carrying all of our gear. I don't really mind the walking, but my knee still isn't that strong, and I think it's pointless to go through all of that work for a fucking one night camp. Why we couldn't go to Rolley Lake is beyond me. It's only a fifteen minute drive from my house, and it's where everyone else in Lougheed Area did their's this past weekend. In fact, that's where two of our girls did their's a couple of weeks ago. Oh yeah. It's because our gold camps are also bronze and silver camps for all of the first and second years, which, I must point out, is against the rules and most definitly illegal to do in the world of Girl Guides. All of this because Angie (our leader) and Lena (our other leader) couldn't get off of their lazy asses to plan a seperate camp, Lena too busy travelling around the world, studying (okay, I'm not really mad at her because she's another one of those university students and she was in France until the end of Decenber anyways) and Angie too busy doing things for and supporting her church. Bloody HELL people! This is one of the reasons why I hate organized religion! I mean, she's a perfectly nice caring person, but still! When we had Barb as one of our leaders last year and the year before, we actually got out and did things. We camped three or five times a year. We'd go do various community service during our regular meeting times. What to we do this year? We sit around, listen to music on our mp3 players and do homework. Sometimes we make a craft to spice things up a little. I swear, we have made more crafts this year than the last two years, plus the three years of guides before that combined! Bastards.

I really should go work.

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