Wednesday, June 15, 2005

He calls himself Spencer...

Let's stop for a moment and talk about Jesus. Jesus likes to wear Hawaiian shirts. He walks with his arms at his sides, eyes staring straight ahead. I don't think I've ever heard him say more than a few words. For Halloween, he went as...Jesus; his friends were his apostles. Jesus likes to buy sandwiches at Tim Hortons. He plays the trombone. Today Jesus is wearing a black suit with a red shirt underneath. Today is his last day of school. He is graduating this year. Part of his grad comment included telling everybody that the secret to success is a well-kept beard...

...Sure Jesus, whatever you say.

^^That is about as religious as I'm ever going to get. I don't support organized religion.

Guess what? No really, I want you to guess. Oh, you'll never get it anyways. I got one hundred percent on the beaver vessel/sculpture that I made in ceramics. It was originally supposed to be some other type of, small furry rodent, but it was too fat, so it evolved to being a small, but equally furry rodent. In total, the whole thing took almost three weeks to make and glaze. It took me four days alone, to give it detail, and another three to glaze it.

Where's my camera, I want to take a picture of my arm. SUS drew my veins and wrote "I can see you!" on it.

Be warned children! I'm bringing my watering can bag to my exam tomorrow. And Friday. And Monday, when I go to school to finish that bloody lantern in Ceramics. Stupid thing looks like crap.

Anyways, must get on with studying...

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