Monday, June 06, 2005

Why the hell are you reading this?

Oh God, I feel so sick.

I knew I shouldn't have eaten the snapper last night at dinner. I don't even particularly like snapper. I suppose I been worse though. I only threw up three times in the middle of the night (all within the space of an hour and a half, but that's nothing new either) and once before I left for school. At school, I made it through one block, then called my Dad to take me home. While I was there, I made repeated attempts to be sick, just to make my stomach feel better, but there was nothing left in my stomach. The only thing in my stomach at the moment is a little bit of apple juice that I only bought and drank part of because my slight hypoglycemia was kicking in and I could barely walk because I was so dizzy. Everywhere I looked, people were telling me to go home. Even the lunch lady who I buy my cookie from everyday. I went home and immediately want to sleep, not even noticing when my dad left. I forgot to take my contacts out, but whatever. I only got up about half an hour ago. I'm so happy today was a Blues Monday, so I didn't miss much.

Anyways, I feel a little better. My stomach really hurts and I want to throw up again, but I doubt that will happen. I still have energy, which is a good sign, although my foot seems to have fallen asleep.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to do my homework.

Hmmmmm...on the bright side, I can talk normally again. No innocent kiwifruits will need to be killed.

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