Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I added the eyes yesterday, and I just realized that I look like I'm going to cry.

I'm so BORED! I am reduced to doing housework and listening to weird foreign songs that I didn't know were on the computer. I'm almost happy that school is starting next week.

I have a new friend on LiveJournal. Her name is Jen. I added her to my msn, only to find out that not only is she as bored as I am, we are the same age and share the same birthday.

Sally smells like bunny rabbit. That was so random.

I just let Frickie in, but when I opened the laundryroom door, I practically killed Moriah, who was on the other side. I swear, she is always doing laundry when she's not upstairs yelling at her brother.

Cookie Monster? WTF?

This is fucking pointless. I post something else when I actually have something interesting to say. I can't wait for Greg to get back from camping, because him, Alexis, and Amelia are coming over and we are going to tube down the Allouette, then maybe go for gelato. But he's not back until Thursday. *Sigh*
Blogger And the Past Recedes... mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Okay so...sometimes we just don't have things to post about...if you'll notice my blog...it's all mostly random shit, lol. Sometimes it's the randomness that makes it so interesting.

9:00 p.m.  
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Yes, but my random shit isn't interesting.

9:17 p.m.  

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