Friday, August 26, 2005

Not only did I pass Bronze V, but I finally got my Whitesail III too!

On Wednesday I was feeling much better, so I finally got to try trapezing. It would have been more fun if Amelia could steer, but one second the boat would be almost capsizing and I would be standing on top of it, and the next, my ass would be touching the water. That girl is bloody crazy. We also spent three days learning how to fibreglass, Wednesday being the middle. Aftersailing, Alexis, Greg, Amelia, and I tubed down the Coquitlam River. It took us two hours to go from River Springs to Lions Park, and it was getting dark by the time we finished, but the water was fairly warm, even though the air wasn't, and we had a lot of fun. There were a lot of rapids. I really didn't have much of a problem with them because I am fairly small, but Greg, who weighs almost twice as much as I do, had some problems. Most of the time, we just rafted up, and tried to get as far as we could, all attached together. Alexis lost one of her shoes, which was odd, because she was wearing converses, and the rest of us were wearing flip-flops. It didn't go far; I found it fairly quickly.

On Thurday I was forced to sail a Byte. Sometimes I wonder if Matt hates me. I hate Bytes with a passion. I was being so careful with it, sailing really slow, barely heeling and whatnot. Amelia was in the other Byte, the crappier one, and she capsized three times and turtled once. The only good thing about sailing a Byte, was that I didn't have to practice using a Spinnaker. After sailing, Alexis, Greg, Amelia, and I got a ride from Greg's dad to the mall, where we bought Matt a present and some accesories for the pants-off. Greg wouldn't follow us into any of the more girly stores, so eventually we made him buy pink armbands from Claire's just for the hell of it. We went to London Drugs to buy candy and we saw Greg's mom, who works there. Greg was acting like a little child and was hiding from his mom, but she figured he was there because the rest of us couldn't stop giggling. After, we headed to the bus stop, where we met Alexis's friend, Dan. Dan is exactly like Austin, orange hair and all, only he is straight. It was kind of creepy. dan ended up following us to Pharmasave to buy hair dye, 7-11 to buy slurpees, and over to Amelia's house, where he sat and bitched about the French music we were listening to, played with Amelia's cat, and faked having an orgasm whenever someone mentioned the word "music." We were there for a few hours, practicing for the pants-off, and Amelia managed to get twenty-eight paris of pants on. We also chose "Spin Me Right Round" as our song for the dance-off. We tried to dye Amelia's hair pink, but it just didn't work out, and today it was somewhat reddish. I took a picture of Amelia's dad's car, and it looked like it was on fire.

Today was the day of the pants-off, and the last day of sailing. Amelia got to the boathouse early, bringing all the pants with her. As soon as Greg arrived, we gave Matt his present (pink sunglasses, a Tonka truck, and skittles), then went upstairs into the girls washroom (Greg too) where we got started. We were there for almost an hour and a half, putting on pants. Alexis arrived to help after about twenty minutes, and Tom arrived later with all of the female Whitesailors. Most of the guys from Bronze soon arrived, sat just outside the door, and helped pull up pants whenever necessary. Finally we had our competition. The first part was the dance-off. Amelia was dancing in the middle, with Alexia and I on either side. Five minutes before the competition started, we had the wonderful idea of having the guys in the back, so five of the guys in Bronze (in order: PJ, Greg, John, Michael, and David) danced in the background, and when the song got to the course, they ran up, picked Amelia up by the pants, and spun her around. They also all together yelled "Wooo!" at random intervals. Jeremy went after us, and, although his moves were better, we were more interesting than him. The obstacle course was next. Amelia won that, even though Jeremy crossed the finish line first, because there was some foul play involved. Afterwards, we had to take off all the layers. Amelia needed help with that. Jeremy was done long before we were. He only had about sixteen or twenty pairs on. We beat last year's record of twenty-seven, by twenty pairs. That's right, we had forty-seven pairs of pants. We put all the pants in a pile and made Amelia sit in them so we could take pictures of her. Then we had the barbeque. I brought two veggie burgers, one for me and one for Jeremy, just because I bring one for him every year. While I was eating, I was called upstairs by Matt, who gave me my report card and a certificate. I told him that I had never gotten me Whitesail III certificate, so he printed one off for me, signed and dated it, and slapped a sticker on it. When I went back downstairs, I showed Tom, who immediately ran upstairs because he was sure he had seen my certificate somewhere. He told me that when he finally finds it, he will mail it to me. We went"sailing" after that, meaning, we randomly piled into boats, and as soon as we got out the channel, we went swimming. I went out in a 420 with PJ, Ben, Greg, and Amelia. Even with the lack of wind, we still went really slow because the boat was not made for five people. I spent some time swimming from boat to boat, also in Lucy with Jeremy, and on Spencer's Laser. There were six of us on the Laser at one point, but Spancer eventually kicked everbody off because we kept on capsizing it. I ended up heading in with a group of four Whitesailors, most of the way being towed by Tom. When we got back to the boathouse, we ate brownies that Jamie's mom made for us, then I took a pictures of Amelia's dad's car, and him and I discussed it while Amelia changed. I want that car.

That brings me now to the present. I haven't done much since, except help carry a couch up a big-assed set of stairs, but that isn't very exciting. I am going for a run tomorrow morning, so I am going to bed now.

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