Tuesday, August 09, 2005

This reminds me of having something sharp and pointy shoved in my ear.

My mom met Nicholas Campbell (Dominique DaVinci on DaVinci's Inquest) today, when he and some location scouts, set designers etc. toured the second floor of the building she works in. What they (of the DaVinci fame) didn't realize before they came, was that the alley they commonly use to shoot their shows in is the alley that belongs to the AIBC. Needless to say, they were quite excited for some reason. Anyways, Campbell likes the place, and he wants to use it, but it's still up in the air as to if they are going to use upstairs or not. Siobhan will remember the room; it is the one we moved all those boxes around in, then sat in the old chairs we had moved up there and hung out with Kristina.

Now, about my day...

Let's just say, don't ask. I ended up babysitting the child from Hell and her sister, just to keep my aunt company. That is all you need to know.

There are now pictures of them in my PhotoBucket.

This Friday is my grandmother's eighty-ninth birthday, and I am being forced into going. I love my grandmother, but I hate the resteraunt we always go to, and my dear Auntie Gaynell will be there with her darling dog, Gucci. That thing is a walking shag carpet that yips too much. Her real daughter might come too, my cousin Andrea, but she may not, as she is too busy being on strike with the other lovely people from Telus. Uncle Ray might be there too, but I doubt it, as I believe he is still running from the law. I wonder if Uncle Lloyd and Auntie Marylin will be there. While he is extremely conceited and has one of the largest egos I have ever seen, Lloyd's stories are nonetheless more interesting than anything else anybody has to say.

By the way, Erin is nineteen now and is very happy with the presents we bought her, the gelato cake/pie I made, and we have forgiven her for working late. Friday was kind of a Murphy's Law day. I wanted to smack the woman at Marina's Gelato. Seriously.

Tomorrow I am going to Vancouver with my mother to do something regarding my passport, eat at Cassis (which Siobhan should also remember), and visit the Deluxe Junk Company, one of Vancouver's largest consignment stores.

Anyways, my father is tearing apart the livingroom, which means that my matress is in danger. I will go see what's up...

He dropped a screw belonging to the fan that was formerly in the livingroom at the park, and is now being set up in the livingroom here.

Haha, Mikhael is making me laugh. What is it about the opposite gender that makes them so easy to talk to over msn?

I'm going to go watch some mindless brainwashing.
Anonymous Anonymous mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

1. I remember that room, we watched a drug exchange from way up above, I remember you telling me about it being a famous film alley way.
2.I also remember cassis, YUM it was like the perfectly fancy hole in a wall vancouver type place.
4. Do you realize we haven't hung out once this summer, maple ridge my ass :P It would be horribly wrong if you didn't help us eat our piles of freezies which we havent been able to eat until a week or two ago when It finally got hot!

12:21 a.m.  
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Well dear, if you want to get together between now and the end of summer, would you mind it being in the evening? I'll be sailing at least seven hours a day starting Monday. And it's not the largest consignment store ever; it is just quite full of clothing and acessories. The store is organized by colour, you know.

7:45 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

omg take me take me take me! and you can come over and spend the night sometime if you want. Just holler when!

7:50 p.m.  

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