Saturday, September 03, 2005

"Oh my gosh, is it raining? Whatever, we're all soaked anyways."

I am suffering from dancing withdrawal. It has been two months since I danced with my group. I was dancing last night as I was talking to Greg on the phone; it probably sounded funny.

I got new running shoes! They are so pretty. They are black and turquoise, and are Nike Shoks. I also got them for clearance price. Only one hundred dollars.

Today was rather busy. After driving Erin to work, dad gave me a ride to PoCo where we picked up Amelia, Greg, and Greg's fiend, Alec. Alexis couldn't come because today was her mom's one day off work this summer, and, as much as Alexis hates shopping, she didn't want to make her mom feel bad. Dad drove the four of us straight to Hot Rocks, and we tubed down the Alouette. It was fucking cold. It only took about an hour; the only casualty being my right knee, which I hit on a rock when Alec wouldn't let go of my tube. It is somewhat scraped up, but it's nothing big. After we got out of the river, we walked back to my house, and drank hot chocolate, discreetly dropping blueberries into each other's drink while they weren't looking. Greg and Alec left soon after that, as they were going to their dads' friend's fiftieth birthday party.

Amelia stayed over, because she had nothing better to do. We spent some time on the computer, because even when a friend is over, I still find myself drifting over to the computer for something to do. We talked to some people on msn, then I gave her the list of sailing emails, so she could add them to her msn.

Naturally, we decided to go for gelato.

Nothing really exciting happened while we were at Marina's; we sat on a couch, ate gelato, and all was good. Afterwards we decided to check out the consignment store across the street. It was mostly full of old lady clothes, but we found some stuff the was fairly good. We each bought a shirt. I think my back to school shopping is done now. We wandered randomly about after that, until we found Value Village. I wasn't expecting to find anything good there, as I don't particularly like Value Village, but I was pleasantly surprised by a few things I saw there. Amelia and I saw the coolest belt in the world and we just had to buy it. It was only three dollars. Amelia has it right now, but it belongs to both of us, so I will get it eventually. I am not going to say anything about it right now, because don't want to ruin anything. I will post a picture just as soon as I can take one. We also saw a black, red, and gold, feathered party dress that almost rivals my blue dress. You know the one I'm talking about; the prom/bridesmaid dress from the Eighties.

We went back to my house and lounged about, until Amelia got a call from her mom, and my parents came home. She calls my dad, "Mr. Steve." They gave us a ride to the horse stables where Amelia's mom and brother were, and I got to meet her horse, Dan. I helped her muck out Dan's paddock, and she taught me how to take care of him etc. I even got to ride him for a while. That was probably the third time I've ever been on a horse. After that, I went home and that is where I am now. Erin needs the computer for some reason, so I am on her lap top. A pathfinder leader from Nelson came across my blog when she searched for "Gold Camps" on Google. She found a post from back in he beginning of May, when I was bitching about how my leaders planned my Gold Camp for me. I thought that was really cool, so I emailed her back with advice on Gold Camps in general. I have been to three. I also said she could email me back if she wished, so I might hear from her again.

My hand smells like chocolate. Mmmmmmmmmm...

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