Friday, September 16, 2005

"...You're lazy, you just stay in bed..."

Can you believe I only ran half of the Terry Fox run today? Yes, I had PE the block before, and yes, my knee started hurting ten minutes before PE started, but that was no excuse. It was only one and a half kilometers. I put my knee brace back on for the run, and it was all sweaty and wet from PE. Beckie can relate. She wore her knee brace almost all day today. We were comparing ours. Having two block twos was really boring. I ate a salad and listened to my music, which reminds me, I have to figure out which block Joel has off. For most of the rest of the day, I don't remember what I did until after school, when I hung out with Mikhael for nearly an hour at Starbucks. I then went to the library, picked up Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Safran Foer and took the bus home. Yay for my boring and somewhat unfufilling day!

Some interesting quotes from today:

"What? You think I'm not going to tell you, so Centennial can do better than you?" - Mr Devita, while talking about formulas and graphing calculators.

"If you had to describe halibut in one word, it would be 'ugly'. A halibut looks like a wart put on steroids." - Mr Krahn, while telling us about some treaty between the Canadians and the Americans about fish. Of course, my immediate response was, "If I had to describe halibut in one word, it would probably be 'fish.'"

My word of the week: Conformity

My word of the day: Sustenance, as in, "I forgot to eat breakfast this morning, and I have PE in block one. The cafeteria isn't open yet. I need sustenance!"

There you go. Out of my regular routine, I decided to try and make this post somewhat interesting. I probably failed miserably, but I don't care. Goodbye.
Blogger Elise mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:


8:50 p.m.  
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Ha. I love randomness.

8:52 p.m.  

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