Thursday, October 27, 2005

*Makes weird groaning noise as one might if they were poked with a knitting needle*

I'm still in pain. This is not fair.

Today was an okay day, I guess. I was kind of out of it and bitchy all day. I couldn't go for a run with my PE class because of my knee, I had a math test today, I couldn't run in cross country, and my dad was half an hour late picking me up after cross country, and because of that, I froze my ass off.

So now I am currently listening to my new Great Big Sea CD. It comes with a DVD, but I'm not going to watch it tonight. I still have my new Dandy Warhols and Jack Johnson CDs to listen to. It's funny, I got them all today. It's almost like today was a special occasion or something...
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Oh yes, I'm gonig to travel all the way to your house, just for some sugar.

11:30 p.m.  
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

It's spelled "shivoo." You know, with an S?

And oh my GOSH, did Krisha just say 17? Ahhhhhhhh!

6:10 p.m.  
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

That damn heating, eh?

10:40 p.m.  

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