Monday, October 24, 2005

"...Well I'll speak slowly if you're on something, or faster if you're not..."

I forgot my knee brace today.

Bad bad Abby.

My knee hurts so much right now. I want to murder it. The Fraser Valleys are only two days away.

In other news, I had a fairly unexciting restart to my schooling. Planning was as boring as ever, especially since Ms Martino was back and was treating us like little children. In block two Mao and I talked about dance the whole time, so nothing new there. The cafeteria had no cookies and I was upset. In science we performed mini skits about safety. Most of the people in our class were either afraid to get up in front of a crowd, or they were just plain boring. Nevertheless, I clapped after each skit. Some of them were kind of interesting; they were performed quite monotonously, and that made them somewhat funny, but the best ones were Carolee's and Katie's, Mao's and mine, and Laurence's, and whoever he was with. Lothario's was good too, just because he seemed so unexcited that he had just gotten a harmful chemical in his eyes. In Katie's and Muffin's I got to play a person who got splashed in the face with acid. This meant I got to scream and fall to the floor moaning, "It burns! It burns!" Mao's and mine was completely monotonous, but that was because we meant it that way. I, like Lothario, was completely calm and unsurprised when I told Mao that my hand was gangrenous from a chemical that had gotten into a cut during our "experiment" and had to be chopped off. Laurence's was just funny because he said "thongs" when he meant to say "tongs" and everyone started laughing, me especially after I made that wonderful little comment about knowing exactly what Laurence was thinking about at that moment. It doesn't seem nearly as amusing as it did. In math, DeVita explained to us what vectors were, even though were not going to deal with them at all, and him and I had a nice conversation about sailing. We watched a movie about World War II in socials, and Mr Krahn did a wonderful Hitler impersonation, minus the impersonation.

Cross country was upsetting. Jamie gave me a piggy back all the way up the hill to the school and I was momentarily happy.

Since then I have done nothing but bitch. I iced my knee for a while, and took some Ibuprophen, but my knee still hurts. I have both PE and dance tomorrow. Maybe if I suck up to Donna I can get away with not doing much, not that I ever do much in dance anyways. I am going to go to bed now. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

So are you actually going to use your blog to post things? I need to know so I can change the link on my sidebar.

9:52 p.m.  

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