Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Oh dear, my stomach seems to be missing. Beware the evil red Koolaid man Gamma Ray!

I have completely forgotten what I was going to say.

Both yesterday and today seemed to go by very slowly. Yesterday was a better day because Donna was in a good mood in dance, and I finally passed a math test. Today wasn't nearly as exciting; math seemed to take forever, and I faked practically everything I sang in choir. On both days it took me forever to get home, which hasn't been so good on me because of the shitload of homework I'm currently trying to work my way through.

So now I am sitting here, trying to think of something remotely interesting to type. I really can't say anything about any of the conversations Katie and I have had in science for the past few days, because nobody but us would get them. Krisha was giving me a lot of suggestive eyebrow raising during math and for no particular reason, or for reasons I don't remember, Krisha, Megan, and I spent a few minutes talking about Horia, even though he was sitting quite near us, and well within hearing range. Sam and I were discussing last night's episode of House in socials. We watched more of Jerry Maguire in planning and Tommy gave Mao, Muffin, and I each a Korean cookie. I saw Danielle at the dance studio yesterday and we had a nice conversation about homework. It was better that way.

Grrrrr, my mp3 player is a piece of shit. I think I am going to go now.


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