Sunday, December 04, 2005

All of Europe had an orgy and out popped my family....haha, this is so true.

On Friday Erin and I went to Riverside Secondary to see my friend Greg in, Yes𘇍 No𘇍 Maybe𘇍 So..., a play written and directed by the students of Riverside. It was hilarious. The whole thing was about teenagers and sex. What was even better was that we bumped into Amelia, Alexis and a few of Alexis’s friends (one of whom had really nice hair; I think his name was Phil) and we all sat on the balcony and watched the play together. Afterwards we all ran around until we found him. He was so happy to see me. We haven’t seen each other since the end of August. Here is a picture of him in his pyjamas, and holding a condom:

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Afterwards we phoned my parents, who told us to walk to Starbucks. We got lost for about an hour and a half, then finally found the Starbucks, which ended up being about four blocks away from the school. Fifteen minutes after we got there we were kicked out, and being stuck outside on a December night, we did the only thing we could: took pictures of ourselves and each other.

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We were finally picked up about an hour and ten minutes after we were kicked out of Starbucks. It turns out that mom and dad went to go see a movie, but instead of the one that they were supposed to see, they saw Harry Potter instead. By then I was freezing my ass off and the battery in my camera was dying.

On Saturday, I was recruited into helping out up Christmas lights, and going on a mad search of the colours we needed when we ran out. That night I had a Christmas concert. The concert itself wasn’t memorable, but where the choir groups were hanging out three floors up...that’s where all the fun was. I hung out with, Megan, Mary, Austin, Jordan, Alex, Kayla, Katie, Omar and Stanley. I had my camera. It was fun. I like hanging out with people I know that I don’t normally hang out with. Here are some pics:

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Omar was actually being “cool” for once. All of us were yelling and telling jokes, and Jordan, Stanley, and Alex were throwing snowballs off the balcony...among other things:

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It was absolutely hilarious.

Today we had another concert. This one wasn’t as exciting as Saturday’s. We were put in a crappy little room with not enough chairs, and just wasn’t as interesting. I still took some pics, or rather, Katie took many of them:

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It was okay, but just not as fun. My ear was all screwy today and wasn’t popping, so I couldn’t hear myself properly, and I sounded tone-deaf. Afterwards I was supposed to hang out with Jaime, but my parents whisked me away, so I couldn’t. I am still sorry about that. We will hang out no matter what next weekend.

Right now my family is watching Rainman, starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. It’s not bad. I am going to go watch it now. Goodbye.

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Blogger Abby mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

I'll change it if you want. I need to fix this post anyways.

8:30 p.m.  

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