Saturday, December 31, 2005

The end is near.

I really have nothing to say about this past year. 2005 was a year of great change for me. I moved into this shithole where I am currently living, spent the year living on a floor, spent a couple hours a day commuting to and from school, went through a lot of stress because of my move and the commute, and because of that, finally learned what it's like to get less than near-perfect grades. Socially my life was crappy at the beginning of the year, but it has improved since then. I got a love-life. I have found a lot of new friends since September. I spent a lot more time on the computer and on msn to talk to my new friends because physically hanging out with them is usually impossible because of where I live.

I am letting this year go with a feeling of apathy. 2005 could be arguably considered either good or bad for me. Emotionally I did not have a good day today and I hope that it will not affect me in the coming year.

I wish the best of the season to you all.
Blogger Abigail Alexis~ mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Well...."Every day is a new day, with a new beginning" "Never let yesterday use up today". I don't know who first came up with these quotes, but I love them both! I hope you have a better year in 2006!

:) AB

5:29 p.m.  

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