Saturday, December 24, 2005

*Smack* "I Christen thee awake!" "Piss off." *Smack* "I Christen thee awake!" "Piss off."

Today I went to visit my grandmother Brown-John. We took her some nice smelling shampoo and conditioner like we do around this time every year, and also a set of five novels for her to read. We picked up a copy of Waking Ned Devine along the way to watch with her. All was fine and dandy until the movie was over and we had to sit there and talk for a couple hours after it was finished. I like my grandmother and all, but she's terribly boring. She gave us Christmas presents too. Three jars of homemade soup mix that she bought a few days ago, two Hersheys Sidekicks bars for my sister in a box that "You can take the lid off and put it back on," and a bag of candy and a pair of earrings for me. I think that Erin got the better present out of this. My bag of candy consisted of a candy cane, three chocolate balls and a crumbled shortbread cookie, and the earrings can only be classified as gaudy old-lady earrings. To add insult to injury, they were clip-on. Nevertheless, I accepted them with a smile and a thank you, then proudly showed them off to my mother, who put on a fake smile and murmured something about how beautiful they were. When we got home I immediately stuck them on dad's ears. They actually didn't look too bad on him.

Anyone need old-lady pearl earrings for a costume or something?

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