She's not dead, she's just sleeping

Hello, this is Erin.
I regret to inform you that the Abbyness is temporarily disconnected from the internet. The floor in her livingroom is being redone, and consequently her computer is sitting in the bottom of her closet. It misses you too.
Right now she is getting distracted from her French homework by a crappy sci-fi show in which people don't scuba dive properly. She would know because she's an expert and she's got the photo ID to prove it. In this show, they also don't know how to do CPR properly and I've said this before, but it really, really irritates me. Any idiot can do CPR, and trust me, idiots do do CPR. I got strapped to a spineboard at a pool once and the people forgot about me and I dropped to the very bottom of the pool. I wasn't very impressed.
But remember Abby? This is a post about Abby.
She made a couple boxes of mack'an'cheese for dinner with her patented soon-to-be-world-famous five doses of pepper recipe. I'd like to say that that is the only thing she can cook, but because this is her blogtatorship, I feel obligated to say that she makes a pretty mean fried egg and tomato sandwich too.
Anyways, she will be back as soon as she can. Maybe tomorrow, but Monday looks good too.
Erin out.
The links didn't work. :(
Fixed it now :)
That's nice, dear.
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