Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Who finished the animal crackers!

Okay...Where to start...

This morning my parents took me to Starbucks. I got a coffee cake and a latte, which was a god-send. Dad drove me to school, where I studied math almost constantly for the next three hours, only taking a twenty minute break to play cards with Mikhael and some other people. The only real excitement in my morning came from when I went to my locker to grab my coffee cake, and behind my Rubes calender was a package of sex tissues. Jamie confuses me sometimes.

I spent roughly two hours and forty minutes in the exam. It was hard. According to DeVita, whom Natasha and I talked to afterwards, a lot of people said that it was hard, including a lot of IB students. It made me sad. Synnove told me that she'd bring me chocolate on Monday to make up for today.

Now for dance. I did not in fact get in trouble for not bring part of last year's costume, like SOMEBODY said I would. Donna got quite excited about our costumes, showing us some beaded fringe that she would like to put on our costumes. I held my tongue. She was gonig on about how it was so pretty and so expensive. It's fucking HIDEOUS. I wanted to throw a tantrum and attack it with a chainsaw. I know that no matter what I say, she will ignore me. I've known her long enough that I will hate my costumes. She was particularly excited about my duo costume. Apparently she went to a sari shop, a sari shop, and saw these beaded shirts that were "really pretty." Luckily she didn't buy any, although she did want one for herself. But honestly, who goes to a sari shop to buy a costume for a Celtic dance? Honestly! I was too tired to say much. I just sent silent mental death wishes in Donna's general direction.

I should be studying for science, but I'm watching House. I'll study after my shower.


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