Monday, April 17, 2006

Sparky, the puntable, fuzzy lampshade.

I visited my grandmother today, quite pointless really, but at least she had a new story to tell. At first I thought that she was talking about some sort of animal, but when she said that she sent him away with his pants around his ankles, I'm not so sure anymore. It might have made more sense had I actually been listening.

I wore my orange sandals today, which meant that although I received quite a few compliments for them, I had to put up with my mother and sister ridiculing me all day. We found a large pile of rocks near the Fraser and had to investigate, so I wore a pair of flip flops for that, because it's common sense not to wear heels when looking for agates. I took lots of pictures of Erin with her camera and quietly cursed the family nearby as they were quite loud and extremely annoying. They had two small dogs, Sparky, a white furry rat thing wearing a "Cone of Silence" one of those things that animals wear after they have had surgery, and the other was a chocolate lab puppy named Skipper. My time at the rock pile would have been more enjoyable had it not been for the little girl calling "Skipper! Skipper! Come here Sparky, come on Pooky Poo!" and the boys who felt the need to throw rocks at their uncle.

Anyways, here is a picture of my shoes:

They're sexy and you know it

And here is a picture of me today:

I found my pinstripes again

That is all for tonight.

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