Monday, May 01, 2006

"George! Shut up! Oh, go fall on your head! *bastard*"

You know what would be really cool?

A fishnet tan.

Just something to think about.


Choir today, I laughed at all the people who forgot. I actually did remember, and for maybe the fifth time this year, I was on time.

I was really dizzy in PE, I forgot to eat breakfast this morning, and Strommie and Sayers made me leave and they told me not to come back until I had eaten something. PLayed sandman ball and I almost won one game.

Bergman is a bitch.

Discussed the metaphor that is my life with Jessica and Kenard in block three; we were standing in the middle of the hallway. Jessica and I have decided that we are gonig to buy Kenard a backpack.

Was pissed off at Audrey in jewellery, so I made her do my French homework Later we got into a giant and rather loud arguement over whose dance costume was worse.

French was unexciting. I gave my last granola bar to Beckie and she was happy.

Went to Starbucks after school with Yuan. Talked a few minutes with Horia and AJ, then they all left for the bus stop and I went to the apartment where I watched Roman Holiday.

Ate dinner, went to Eagle Ridge Manor. Found out that the mini dance show that we thought was starting at seven was actually starting at six. Got changed very very quickly. Grandma was so happy to see us dance; it is one of the few things in life that makes her happy. After the show was over, we were waiting for Erin to finish getting changed and Mary, a very nice old lady with Alzheimers, walked up to us and started singing. She still knows how to dance too. Said goodbye to everyone, then since it was my Grandmother's birthday yesterday, we ate cake. Grandma says that Luke and I would make a good couple, which made everyone else choke on their cake, and I promised to pass it on to Luke.

The apartment finally has pictures on the wall. It looks so much better now.


ps. Happy Birthday.

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