Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I'm not a whore, I'm a sexy beast

Today was not as hot as yesterday, which was nice. I had PE first block; we ran to Rocky Point, where I saw Jeremy on the sailing dock. I like running early in the morning because it's way cooler. Block two I basically just sat there and talked with Mao in my journal. I started journal number eighteen today. I am doing my commentary tomorrow and I know I'll spend at least thirty consecutive seconds sitting there like an idiot saying 'um' and swearing under my breath. Block three lamented that I didn't have fifty cents to buy a cookie. SUS gave me a dollar-fifty to buy a muffin. In block four I was taking pictures of Beth and Emily, then deleting them because they were shitty, then Beth said something about me being photogenic, so I turned my camera around and took a picture of myself and it was actually good. Spent most of the rest of the block sleeping, then bitched about dance to Audrey for the last twenty minutes. Block five was exceptionally warm. I hate having my last block in a portable. Johansson was telling us about the fan that she borrowed from the school one year, about how she set it up and was testing it, then Brian asked if it exploded, he's been doing that for a few days now, and she said yes, which was funny, then two minutes later the fan that she borrowed from her mother fell off the overhead and "exploded" which had everyone on the floor laughing. We didn't have practice after school, just a meeting, and I was going to walk to my apartment and work on my English homework, but I met up with Katie on the stairs, so I had to keep her company and talk about "girly things." Jordan arrived a few minutes before she left, so him and I hung out for a while on the stairs. Around four-thirty I decided that I might as well wait for the guys to finish their sevens practice, so Jordan and I sat on the stairs for a while longer, although we were joined by Richard. We stayed on the stairs until five-thirty, Mikhael having joined us at five, then Mikhael walked me home. Ate dinner, went to dance. Dance was uneventful, but it was nice to see Patty and Joanne again.

Here's the picture I took of myself:

I love taking pictures of myself


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