Friday, May 05, 2006

Waffle Iron

It's my mommy's birthday today. I didn't really get to participate because nobody told me to go to the apartment, so I went straight home. They brought me a chocolate tart.

Nothing interesting today, my knee's been sore for a few days and it's put me into a bad mood. Skipped jewellery because we had a toc, which meant that whomever went probably ended up watching a movie. I stayed in the library, read magazines and helped Siobhan with her science and planning homework. Played picnic games in PE; basically, Strommie made us go for a warmup run, then we went out to the field and did whatever we wanted. He forced some of us to play a few games of bocce, then as soon as his back was turned, we abandoned the game and started throwing a football around. That soon turned to kicking a soccer ball around, then Armin got a hold of the ball, so we talked to Strommie for a while. He was really pissed because almost all of the girls in our class skipped today, and some never show up anymore. On the other hand, he was so proud of our game yesterday. He was praising me in front of most of the class.

I found a site that makes icons out of whatever you type into the text box. I made a few:

Erin's quote Saving fish from drowning Explodingdog

I have too much time on my hands.

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