Saturday, May 27, 2006

"We didn't see Mikhael." "Oh yeah, because Katie was really looking forward to that."

I bought my swag. A DancePower jacket identical to Beckie's.

The grad dinner/dance thing was okay, I got to school and there was pizza, then we traveled to the PanPacific. We sang for over half an hour, though barely anyone heard us because they were all outside, but we had a small audience. Afterwards we were free to go where we wanted, so we all went outside to look at the dresses. Grad truly is a girly event. All of the dresses were so pretty. I finally got to see Mimi in a dress, which made my day.

She's so tall
Mimi in a dress.

We took the bus home, Megan, Katie, Shalaleh and I were taking pictures:

This is probably the one good photo of us today
Katie and I.

I honestly don't know what happened here
Me looking decidedly psychotic and Megan looking scared.

I had forgotten how bad I looked with my hair up. Ew.

My mom was late picking me up, but we arrived home to find that my dad had acquired a used ice cream cake. It's Moriah's birthday upstairs, she's eleven, and they had some leftover cake, Zosie gave it to us.

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