Saturday, June 10, 2006


I'm back from my break. This year for a change I went with Mariya and not Erin. We went to Subway and basically ordered the same thing, veggie subs, then we went to Starbucks. Starbucks was rather interesting because the male barista serving us first had to ask what we were doing because we were both wearing an excess amount of makeup, especially Mariya, then after I ordered my raspberry mocha and went off to wait for it, he told Mariya that I freaked him out because I looked almost identical to one of his ex-girlfriends. We ate our subs and fraps and then went to Save-On to buy flavoured water and candy. And gum, because gum is happy. We went back to Terry Fox, where we sat on the field and ate.

Inside now, talking on MSN with people a few computers away. The show doesn't start for half an hour.

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