Wednesday, June 07, 2006

No biology teachers were harmed in the making of this story. Not even Tsui. Or Ciolfitto. Or Nickerson.

My day was filled with poetry and bitchy librarians.

I have decided that how much poetry I write in a day depends on my mood. Yesterday I wrote twenty-four poems, whereas today I only wrote nine.

We played field hockey again this morning, I guess Strommie was paying us back for making us do five fitness Wednesdays in six weeks last month. He says that next week we will most likely be playing buggers.

Bergman discussed sonnets today, while I stared at a blank piece of paper and watched Krystal get ahead in her homework. I was not that motivated.

I spent the first half of block three at my locker with SUS, Roo, Yuan and Shy. Later that usual I went to the library, because of study week. I sat at a table with Yuan, Kenard and Robert, with Carolee and Andre behind me, which was probably a good thing, because if we were all sitting together we would have been more inclined to talk. When I left, Ms McConnell, who's usually one of the nicer ones, thanked me for being quiet.

In block four Beth, Emily and I wrote another story, though I only joined in later. I don't like it quite as much as the last one:

Springtime for Stalin
You know me, the one that stands out whether I am wearing trees or windows. Sometimes I get antsy from all the constant falling pencils and mice . . . no . . . GRENADES!!! Things that explode are not flammable, especially things that drop from chairs. Gwen Stefani likes da cha cha. I like it when she does. When it's hot, sand and water are my friends. Speaking of workshops, I like glass when its cracked by rabid pinecones and air conditioners. I found a park sunbathing with the Holy Grail and tall midgets that resemble astronauts with mohawks that impaled my face with sharp leaves. I like pancakes with concrete butter that is smooth, and chunky PEANUTS!!! I have nightmares about wrestlers in clown wigs and MY BROTHER EATS . . . (biology teachers) who eat biology teachers who like snowflakes smothered in chocolate. I saw a duck that shat on my mother-in-law who is made of titanium alloy with sprinkles. Shopping for weapons of mass destruction for puppets, NOT lawnmowers with problems. Fish who barf fluffy pounds of ventilation systems won't be happy forever if they can't look out for the massive buildings from Kuala Lampur . . . UNITE!!! WHO THE HELL LIKES THIS SONG . . . another witty line . . . My shoe was rapping with claws that like to party all night. "Do Wah Diddy, Bop She Bop," I stole a pick-up line from the Dalai Lama, knowing his fantastic prowess for seducing penguins. Shiny little clouds evaporate once every century, accompanied by little walls, composed of gelatin; magically little gnomes, plus twigs combined at the seams, bubbling volcanic rocks blown in from Wales are biking with shallow technique, but then again, they were brainwashed by Vikings. OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT WHILE DANCING TO HAKUNA MATATA, SUNG BY SONNY AND CHER. Are you throwing my files around? Emergency evacuation: underestimated by a plastic fork. Pretzels just aren't the same without cream cheese. It's the best fun you can have with your clothes off. Let's all use this technique: target practice will kick your ASS?

We always work so hard in jewellery.

By the end of the block Beth and I decided that we had to embarrass Jamie, and to do this we had to stalk my locker, so as soon as class was over we ran up one floor to my locker, but he had already been there, so we ran up to the next floor and found him outside his planning classroom. We did have plans as to what we were going to say to him, but by the time we found him we were laughing too hard and hyperventilating from having run up two flights of stairs in flip flops. We made him blush anyways, because he blushes that easily, then when we calmed down we discussed his Centennial stalker. Somehow Beth and I started laughing again, and I ended up on the floor, just as the block four planning class was ending, so people just jumped over me until Emily arrived and helped me up. I left after bumping into Jessica, who gave me a cookie to buy my silence because she'd been skipping, then I went back down the two flights of stairs that I had just recently come up.

French made my sleepy. Something about having the second most boring class of my day in a warm room in the dark. At least my English room is cold because the heat doesn't work.

On the bus ride home today I did two worksheets and wrote half a Shakespearean sonnet. As soon as I got home I did the dishes, because I am a wonderful child, and as long as I keep telling myself that, everything is happy.

I just realized that I haven't taken any pictures for a long time.
Blogger angelfish mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila: blog, neat story ;P. It's true: pretzels really aren't the same without cream cheese *sniff, sniff* (reaches for tissues ;)

8:08 p.m.  

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