Friday, July 28, 2006

"Damn you and your cleavage!"

Today was quite enjoyable, even if I didn't get out on the water at all. In the morning we got into partners, I was with Mia because I haven't done anything with her all week, and we made up lesson plans and taught sailing theory to the rest of the class. Mia and I taught the points of sail, and it was decided that we were one of the best because we included aspects that appealed to three different types of learners, visual, auditory and kinesthetic, and we kept the lesson to under ten minutes.

The volunteers claimed first dibs on the drinks during the barbecue because last time there was practically nothing left when we got to the cooler. Afterwards we joined the Whitesailors on a scavenger hunt while the Juniors went on a treasure hunt. I didn't do much because I was a clue and because I knew most of the answers. My team won though, because Paula and I sent out the younger kids on our team to find stuff, so we found the most things, and because we had a lot of creative answers. One of the things was a rainbow, so we bought skittles. Another, a huge crab, but since all of the crabs in the inlet are tiny, we just said Matt on a bad day instead. One of the questions was Something Beautiful, and my team put me down. I had no say in this, but we got kudos from Jeremy who was giving out points because I feed him every barbecue day and because I had just given him a handful of skittles. We were also the first team finished.

We played field Capture the Flag after that, it was volunteers against Whitesailors, eight people to twenty, and we still won by having the most flags on our side by the end of the game. It's not that we're good, the Whitesailors just suck.

Came home and have done nothing ever since. The end.

Edit, 10:29 pm: There are now pictures in the post below.

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