Wednesday, July 05, 2006

"I'm the worst ducker in the word."

Oh my god, the Whilesailors love me. Like actually. I was put into a 420 with three of them, and I taught them how to tack, went over it, taught them tricks, made sure they all practiced and didn't let them stop until I was satisfied. Now they want me to be their Bronze IV instructor next year, and they wouldn't let Carly and Jimmy take me away in Patty. I don't know, maybe it was the fact that I can tie the sheetbend, bowline, reef, and every other knot they learned today behind my back, or that I tell them stories about my last five years of sailing that makes them like me so much. What is even more amazing is that I am enjoying myself. These sailors are anywhere between nine and thirteen and, although I like kids, I hate pre-teens. Most of these guys are good though, with the exception of the oldest, Kate, who is thirteen and one of the most annoying people I have ever met. Her mom wanted her to be put into Bronze IV, but I don't see her passing her White III. I'm finally starting to learn their names though. I knew a few of them beforehand, as the younger siblings of people who are wither taking their Bronze IV whom I took a course with, or as the younger siblings of volunteers. Anyways, I'm sure a few of them will be upset when I tell them that I'm not going to be there at all next Thursday. I'll make it up to them at the barbecue.

Apparently we're going to play the lifejacket game soon. I can't wait.

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