Thursday, August 31, 2006

Somebody is smoking upstairs. The Parents are going to be pissed

Yesterday I went shopping. Everything took about an hour. In chronological order, I bought a new mouthguard, a pair of running flats (which were the only thing that I asked for for my birthday last year, so only ten months late), two pairs of jeans and a new brace, because the old one needed to be replaced. My new one is less bulky. My dad also gave me a new Starbucks card, because he knows me well enough that I will be making more than one trip to Starbucks in the next few weeks.

In the afternoon I made two-bite zucchini muffins.

The Parents dropped me off at Erin's, where I finished my scarf. Erin and I watched her Maestro dvd.


This morning I slept in ten minutes, then after a quick shower and a bus ride that included a 143 with the pull chord things not working, so I had to make my way to the front of the bus and talk to the bus driver, and walk further than I expected, I arrived at Mikhael's just as his mom was leaving, so I was able to slip inside. I woke Mikhael up, then promptly fell asleep in his bed and didn't get up until one. In my defense, I am sick.

The rest of my time there isn't worth mentioning. We watched a lot of TLC, because TLC is cool.

Tomorrow I am going for sushi at "de place with de boats" in Vancouver, with Mia, Alexis, Greg, Siamak and apparently a bunch of French people whom I don't know, which will probably turn out to be Phillip and Laura, who isn't even French.

Cheers. Hopefully I will be able to eat tomorrow without dying.

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