Tuesday, September 19, 2006

42nd Street Timestep

We got another song. I don't like it.

Block one:
Oh my god, so boring. Yesterday I was freaking over English, today read A Handmaid's Tale and tsk'd at Esaly over the conversation her and Jas were reading off of a piece of paper in Spanish. I was reading the English translations on Jas's side. Apparently Esaly was pulling his hair. That Esaly, she's a wild one.

Forty-five minute talk about how spinach is going to kill you in French from Bellemare. He suggested that the class play Russian roulette spinach style, but we had no death-spinach, so we didn't. Today he talked about the Ciolfittos' and I actually remembered where they are spending the year, meaning I didn't make myself look like an idiot today. He stared at me the whole time he was telling the story because I was sitting almost right in front of him. Stupid Horia stealing my desk.

Probably don't have to do my commentary until Monday. This gives me some time to prepare for the inevitable Hunnings-ripping-me-to-pieces part of my presentation. Been doodling a lot during the last two days, though I designed some jewellery, so it wasn't a total waste. Today there were some witty comments about Jesus being a multi-tasker and how sexy and beautiful (or handsome) literature is.

Took some notes, I'm sure there was a funny story or two yesterday, but I really can't remember. Today we "worked" for a while, then everybody got serious because Sabot talked about HIV. He cut his hair on the weekend, got a mohawk.

Forgot Art Project Number One at home yesterday and was devastated. Worked on it lots today. I haven't gotten a chance to present Art Project Number Two yet, although now I have colour glossy photos to go with it compliments of Erin's printer; I picked them up today on my way to school from her apartment. I also brought in Art Project from Two Years Ago because Angus needed one of his toes glued back on.

Cross country:
Was not really feeling well yesterday, and that only got worse after cross country. Only ran about 4k. Half of my run was with Denis, because he wasn't feeling well either. I have to leave early tomorrow for a meet, which sucks because I need that half an hour to work on Art Project Number One.

The connection between my brain and my feet was not there last night, plus Donna left my music at home so we spent most of my class trying to find a song with a similar tempo, finally settling for Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder. This only served to make me more confused, because I had my dance from four years ago in my head and my feet wanted to do that instead. That song brings back such good memories. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I think that's it. I need a shower.

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