Friday, September 29, 2006

"Strommie, you have a very pretty face"

Today started off with my friends not going to Starbucks. Why? Because they suck. I, on the other hand, went, and was back in time to sit trough the Terry Fox assembly and be completely bored out of my mind. Luckily, I joined DeVita's class and we were watching the assembly by podcast from the small gym, so at least we could talk if we wanted to.

Bellemare actually gave us a worksheet in French, and I answered one of the questions completely right, which was happy.

We were back to commentaries in English, but I wrote down notes in pretty handwriting, played with my ring and talked to Alex, and so I didn't go crazy from just sitting there for a whole block.

We played with microscopes for most of bio, then played that question and answer game with the cards that I haven't played since Ono's class in grade eight. I came in second, after Mikhael, with AJ in third and Francis in fourth, and I got really angry when I was going to steal an answer on two different occasions, and both times I was skipped and the answer was read. I was momentarily mad at everybody in my group, Mikhael and AJ for skipping me, and Francis for being Francis, then I was given one of the cards and I was happier.

In art we discussed our inner self portraits and self marked them.

After school we hung out at the 160 stop with enough time to take a few pictures:

When we got to Mikhael's house, Mikhael, AJ and I spent three hours filming our bio project, longer than we expected, but it was rather exciting; I rolled down a hill and threw grass, Mikhael and AJ did . . . Mikhael and AJ things . . .

Mikhael's touching his ass. I don't know why.

Nevermind that Mikhael looks like an idiot in this picture, I like myself muchly.

This is my favourite picture out of all of the ones that I took today.

Grrrrr, I have Mad Cow Disease. Ironically, Mikhael's the spongebrain :P

And of course, there is always some time for this:

Loves :)

I left my phone at Mikhael's and now I feel almost naked. I was supposed to call my mom when I was near Haney Place so she could pick me up, because I was at Mikhael's later than usual, so I gave Mikhael an approximate time of arrival via AJ's phone, and he called her for me. AJ and I hung out at Coquitlam Station until my bus came.

People stared at me on the bus because I had a big black spot on my left cheek. They're just not cool like me.


Strommie says I have to wear my socks to rugby practice in the spring. I would, but I think the blue and black ones would be more colour appropriate.

I wonder what he'd say if he knew that I had three pairs . . .

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