Thursday, October 26, 2006

I drew Shaun from A Close Shave in English today



Yesterday I spent the day in White Rock for the Fraser Valleys, where, until just before my race, I masqueraded around in my pink plaid pajama pants. It was incredibly cold and kind of miserable all day. Upon arriving, we did the walk through of the course, then a bunch of us (Betty, Mikhael, Louise, Shalaleh and I) sat down and did some homework. Mikhael brought me hot chocolate, which in retrospect was not such a good idea and I should have drank coffee instead, but I welcomed it at the time because I was cold.

Eventually I decided to warm up a bit, so, Shalaleh, Betty, Louise and I jogged around a bit.

Sometime after that my race started, then it ended. Somewhere in the middle I felt very sick, and somewhere near the end I passed a bunch of people, including Louise, but my knee tried to give out about fifteen metres from the finish line, which wasn't good at all, because that's how I injured the other one. It hurt a little bit today, but I don't think it's injured.

I took pictures of the senior boys race.

We packed up and left soon after that. Took some pictures on the bus, of Siemin looking gangster and Jung looking gangster, and of elephant oranges.

It took an hour and a half to get across the Pattullo, but Sayers dropped me off near Coquitlam Centre and I managed to make it to dance on time. Good thing too, because it's Halloween Week and we get candy at the end of class.

Dinner at Hon's, really good dish with mushrooms and broccoli and tofu puffs.


Today started off with me being bitchy as hell, though only to a select few.

I don't remember anything particularly exciting happening today, except the spirit assembly I guess, though it wasn't particularly exciting either, but it was better than last year's.

I bought the shoes that Faaria wanted today, on my way home from school. I'm going to wrap them up all pretty like a birthday present and give them to her tomorrow.

Apparently I get a brand new pair of shoes tomorrow too, provided Siobhan remembers to bring them. Should be interesting to see what they look like.

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