Friday, November 10, 2006

Megaspore Mother Cell

Three performances this week, all of which I shall go into detail later. Thursday morning practices screw up my sleeping in the extra ten minutes schedule and confuse my mother.

Block One:
I have worked on bio labs, practiced French orals, played with little bits of paper at the Refugee Awareness Benefit Dinner ticket table and run around like a chicken with its head cut off wondering where I was supposed to be today. Yes . . .

On Tuesday we . . . marked a worksheet that for some reason took up the whole block, Wednesday and yesterday were our "Show and Tell" orals, I talked about Stewart and people say that I was pretty good, although I don't believe them. Most people's were interesting though, Marianne talked about her wooden shark and how she is afraid of real sharks (I named her shark Cuddlemuffin, then asked her it's name during the question and answer period so that she'd say it in front of the class. It was even funny how she said it: *Mutters* C'est stupide. Son nom est Cuddlemuffin). Megan talked about a book, Horia about Romanian currency, Shalaleh about some computer thing, Rocky told a rather amusing story about a loonie, Sue passed around some pictures and talked about when she came to Canada, Carolyn about her hairbrush and how she used to have a 'fro, and Nick about Homer Simpson. There were more, but I don't really care.

Missed class today because of the Remembrance Day assemblies.

On Tuesday I wrote a commentary. We had a TOC that day, who neglected to tell us that we weren't supposed to write double-spaced until after we'd handed them in. Hunnings gave us the last two pages of A Bird in the House to write about, and set a limit of one hundred fifty words. Of course, everyone wrote five hundred to six hundred instead. Except me. I assumed that when Hunnings asks for one hundred fifty words, he means one hundred fifty words, so mine, quotes included, was less than two hundred by the time I was finished.

On Wednesday, most of the block was taken up by Pepin and Hunnings discussing whether or not Hillary Clinton would make a good President of the United States, making referenced to Kim Campbell every once in a while, while the rest of us fought to stay awake, all the time thinking, "The elections aren't for two years. Who cares right now?" Spent the rest of the block discussing social taboos and archetypes.

Yesterday we took notes on various things, and Hunnings went on a twenty minute speech about Delilah and Samson, before we reminded him that the whore house in Handmaid's Tale was called Jezebel's.

Today he talked about Jezebel.

Sabot was in a really bad mood on Tuesday, so the energy level in his classroom for once was in the negatives. Mikhael and I offered to give him a mini chocolate bar, but he declined.

We've been doing labs the last couple of days. Yesterday took a bunch of notes about pine trees.

Today the energy level was back, with Sabot throwing gum at us. He then spent part of the block trying to blow the biggest bubble that he could. Here he is:

Been working on my project. I can probably finish it on Tuesday if I remember to take a spoon to school. Spoon, Abby, SPOON.

Music Concert:
Oh my god, so much fun. I mean, the concert part wasn't, no, it was long and tedious and quite boring, but the dance part of it was awesome. The theme was Play It Again, Sam: A night from the 40's, so before the show we had Sam out front playing his trumpet. Mikhael worked as a self employed bouncer, asking for donations. The whole thing was quite ingenious, really, because it was entry by donation, and Sam was playing, and he had his trumpet case open like he was busking, and people would just throw money in. We had quite a large pile.

The dancing was so so so so so much fun. Mikhael and I only stayed until nine thirty, but apparently it went on for a long time afterwards. I wish I could sing like Marianna.

Worked very hard on Wednesday and regretted bringing my waterbottle into the studio.

Flu Shot:
I'm all immunized up. Yay to my father's side of the family's history of medical problems for getting me a free one. Yay to Tommy Douglas for universal healthcare.

Remembrance Day Assemblies:
Sat through two of them and sang a total of eight songs: Oh Canada, Ave Maria, Nella Fantasia and God Save The Queen all twice. All of the speeches were very good, at least in the first assembly, and it the second I assume that Lehman was bored and just wanted to get it over with. The legion guy who made the speech was sending mixed messages. In his speech to the first half of the school, he concluded with, "I hope that none of you have to join the army and fight in a war," and in his second speech he concluded with, "If I was Prime Minister, I'd make it mandatory for all young people to join the army for two years to learn some discipline." Um, right. On the other hand, he's . . . eighty-two, so I suppose that he is allowed to change his mind at will like that.

Later Cassie told me that she could hear me over everyone else in choir. And that is why I switched places with Jaqueline, so that I could be as far away from a mic as possible.

Mikhael's house:
A nice way to end the week. Mikhael fell asleep on me while we were watching the Simpsons, and so for once I went down to Coquitlam Station on my own so that he wouldn't have to get up.

I have a giant bruise on my arm. Humongously giant. How did I get it? I lightly tapped my arm against a table in the library. For the first twelve hours it was one of those bruises that stings when the slightest amount of pressure is applied to it. The last couple of days it has gotten slightly better pain-wise, but a lot more visible.
Anonymous Anonymous mumbled, while downing a shot of tequila:

Hey! Ummm...if that's your teacher in that picture blowing a bubble with his chewing gum, you have a SMOKIN' bio teacher ;D (My history teacher is rather good looking as well...I love having hot teachers XD)
Anyway, seems like your classes are pretty cool. We're going to do orals in French class too, but we're going to talk about the brochures we made about a francophone country --ZZZ--- sounds like way more fun to do a show & tell ;)

After all that--happy weekend to ya! And don't forget the spoon :P

12:58 p.m.  

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