Saturday, January 06, 2007


Yesterday I got up early to go to Mikhael's to work on the concept map (fucking concept map) and simultaneously watch the hockey game. I was cheering for Canada and Mikhael for Russia, so there was some friendly rivalry. I nearly missed the bus, but it waited for me as I ran half a block uphill in thirty centimeters of snow. I hate snow.

I left after a few hours and met Megan at the library, where we discussed our French oral. The power was out at the library, though the emergency lights were on. Eventually we decided to go to Starbucks, where I paid Megan back.

I bussed to Marks, met my parents and bought a rugby shirt. My feet were wet and freezing from having stepped in puddles of melted snow. I hate snow.

Watched the news about three times at Erin's, BC Place sucks, then eventually went home. Dad dropped a bunch of puzzles on the floor, and I am in the process of sorting them and putting them together. Lou's very into it. I don't think I've ever seen her that focused for that long.


Today I sorted more puzzles, did some homework and cursed Alex. I think I've found my voodoo doll victim.

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