Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I seem to have forgotten about you, poor blog. I suppose I was just waiting until the weekend to post in you, but was consumed by the exciting world of computer solitaire. Dammit.

Okay, so um, this is January 30th? What was the last day that I posted in this thing? Right, Friday.

So, Saturday, I thought I was going to go out and do something interesting, but I ended up not doing anything at all. I started a new puzzle for dad, one that seems to be missing all of it's edge pieces. Eventually I went to Erin's where everyone had dinner, and then we went home. I really didn't see the point of leaving myt house in the first place, but whatever.

Sunday I spent at Mikhael's. I can't remember what we did, meaning it probably involved watching the food channel for hours . . . haha! It didn't! We watched Breakfast at Tiffany's and The Ring, which wasn't even remotely scary.

On Monday I went for lunch with Erin. We went for Ethiopian just down the street from mom's workplace. After wandering through Deluxe Junk and a new thrift store called . . . I don't remember. I went to Coquitlam after, meeting Mikhael, then we went on a search to find jeans that fit and failed. Discouraged, I went to dance and was bitched at.

Today Mikhael woke me up, then after my shower I made him breakfast. We went to the closest dance store, which was closed, so we bussed it to Value Village, where I bought rugby spandex :) We continued on, on a bee bus; we went to school to drop off our bio labs and find out some marks. After that we went to the Value Village on Clarke, then went to Mikhael's, where I watched Trading Spaces and Take Home Chef and was happy.


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