Friday, March 16, 2007

The Mysterious Appearance of Hats on Mountains

Okay, so I lied. I've been busy. But never fear, after Monday, my spring break will really start. Then I'll have lots of time to focus on ToK.

Okay, so, long time ago. I think it was . . . Saturday the Third. Umm, so I went to dance and Mao wasn't there, and I was pissed. Maple Ridge has no good mustard, the 5 G's has changed hands and Dad was assaulted by Christian fundamentalists. I was called back to the clinic, but I didn't go until the next day.

Sunday. Found out the tip of my scapula was fractured. No contact until May. Grrrrrr. How can I alleviate my stress of I can't tackle the shit out of someone? Um, after that I went to PoMo library and worked on my French debate with my group. We went to Starbucks and I ate a chocolate chocolate cupcake, which was delicious.

Monday. Um, I was in an incredibly bad mood. There is a page filled with my angry handwriting in my journal. Written in math of course, when Rahemtulla was bitching about how dumb everyone is. Just because he's counter-productive doesn't mean I have to be. Practiced debate, then went to dance. Was lectured for not having a solo costume.

Tuesday. Um, all I remember is the debate. We practiced beforehand, and I promised to bring Supriya one of my spare contact cases. I was probably the only one in my group who wasn't really nervous, I have no idea why, but it went . . . okay, I guess.

Wednesday. Got a thank you note from Supriya that has a permanent place in my journal. Presentations in History, I took notes:

My children will continue (says the white Pepin about the brown Omar and Krisha, and the Asian Jason. Very topical)
The pen's not working. It's the angle.
It's the angle! Hold it up and down! (Omar waves pen around)
What are you? I'm Indian . . . Um, it's a very big country . . .
What are you? I'm Chinese. He's Hong Kongese! (last bit said by Jenny, in a very Jenny fashion)
White Man (Exclamation point!)
Comparing teaching to White Man's Burden
White Man's Burden, Black Man's Burden, Brown Man's Burden, Yellow Man's Burden
Pepin at a loss for words
. . . Whatever
Paternalistic ideology - mein fürher!
Ruyard Kipling in a satirical light
Simple, simple, simple

More rugby.

Thursday. Um, we had a game against Glen's B team. I didn't take pictures because I was playing flag girl on one side. There was one point where I had to make this dramatic leap in the air and wave the flag at the same time . . . It was dramatic. And the only people who commented on it were the girls on Glen's team who were on the side who said that they hoped "that girl didn't get my bag dirty." I really wanted to tell them to fuck off and move their bags away from the sideline, but I didn't. Anyways, we won, 95 - 0. We wanted an even hundred, but whatever. I took more notes in History:

Chick the time, Abby
Ryan, your presumptuousness is only exceeded by your arrogance (said by Lehman)
And History is . . . even I don't have the vocabulary to describe it. Yes I do. (said by Pepin)
Let me open up the window for more oxygen. Ryan has used it all (said by Lehman)
Oh Eric, STFU
The Significance of CapitAl Letters
I don't know if you've ever sweated so much. You're IB students (said by Lehman)
Hence the sullenness
The tale of common things
Cheap and Showy
It's showy. It's for show, right?

Friday. Julie and I discussed the existence of Gog and Fog. Rahemtulla was ranting about how math is easy and he doesn't understand how people can't understand it, and instead of listening, I did History homework. That's that being productive thing again. Mikhael found a Detective of the Month ribbon in Physics. No History notes because I was presenting. Shot Eric down. It felt nice.

Sometime during the week Beckie and I went to Starbucks, it was Wednesday, to celebrate our debates being over, and we ate cupcakes and fraps.

Weekend has been erased from my memory. I remembered, like, ten minutes ago. Let's see. I went to the mall and spent four hours buying a dance costume. My head hurt by the time I got to dance. Dance, Mao actually showed up. We also got Mikhael his very first library card. Sunday, um, I don't know, I stayed home? I distinctly remember finishing my History essay. That took quite a while. I hate conclusions.

Monday, um, French presentation thingies, but I didn't go. Took notes, but they're arranged very haphazardly on a page in my journal. No journal notes in History, but I did have a nice conversation with Karolina about how Pepin looked like a bee in his stripey shirt. When I told him that, he buzzed at me. Lehman was throwing things out the window. Rugby, the boys were playing on the field, so we did a circuit in the weight room, then went out to watch the game. At dance found out that Donna is retiring at the end of June, which was a rather large surprise.

Tuesday. More French thingies. Still didn't go. Took lots and lots of notes in math, as I had a test the next day. In History Lehman spent the whole block talking about the assassination of JFK (which had absolutely nothing to do with what we are studying), then told us about his trip to Dallas and the all-Black blues club he went to. Um, no rugby because everyone was packing for the trip. Um, I went to visit Grandma, watched her be lifted out of bed (ooo, exciting), then we went to the main eating area (the staff were joking about how this was the one thing that would get grandma out of her room), where I said goodbye and went into the small room that was to be my change room. The dance show itself was pretty unexciting, though for the longest time the door kept on opening while I was standing there in a black sports bra, black booty shorts and fishnets (insert joke about me being a hooker here), but I didn't really care, because I'm a dancer, and there was nothing vital showing. My group was okay, love my dress (it's so flare-y!) and I screwed up a couple times with my solo, but that doesn't really matter, because it's my solo. As soon as my solo was over, I changed really quickly into my choir uniform and Dad gave me a ride to school, where I performed in the concert. After I was done I snuck out and was picked up again, and we all went for pizza, even Erin. Unfortunately they had ordered without me, so there was only ham and pineapple, but I picked off all of my ham and gave it to Erin, which for some reason confused her greatly.

Wednesday. More presentations, still didn't go, which really annoyed me. Saucier visited all of the ToK classes to discuss extended essays, which put nearly everyone into a frenzied rush to finalize topic and have their little slips signed by their teacher advisor. I put mine off until this morning, because Saucier is my teacher advisor. Math test, then Beckie and I went to Starbucks with Ilona. I had no money, so Beckie paid, but I ended up getting a free frap on top of the one I ordered, which I later gave to Mikhael at the end of his Physics test. Beckie, Ilona and I played rummy in the hall. Lots of History note-taking. No rugby because everyone had already left for the UK, so Mikhael and I went to the mall, where we sat on comfy chairs and I finished my History. Went to dance, Mao wasn't there and Donna was upset. Luke accidentally hit me in the throat with his arm. It was one of the few times I've ever seen him show compassion. I was alright though. I've had worse. What was worse, though, was that he grabbed my shoulders in his concern, and that hurt. I'm almost getting used to it. Spent the rest of the evening typing up my History questions to hand in a day early.

Thursday, more French presentations, still didn't go. Grr. Um, it wasn't a particularly exciting day, but it was the first day in . . . about six weeks? that I managed to get home before seven.

Today, also not exciting, though I finally did my French presentation. Finally. Beckie and I played crib in Block Four, I won, and we looked at a century-old political cartoon in History and made observations about it that only an IB class (and Brian) could make like, "Those mountain things in the background look like melting snowmen. Or those Chinese hills." "How do you know that they're not Chinese hills?" "Because they're wearing hats.", and, "And what did England have at this time? *Meaning Transvaal*" "A hat!" Lehman held up an envelope with the mp3 players h confiscated yesterday and gave us a lecture about how we are not following rules etc, then dropped them out the window (from the third floor). Then he walked next door into his office and retrieved the envelope, opened it, dropped it on Jenny's desk and told her to go get the other envelope, which, by the time she got there, had been run over by a car. But it had nothing valuable in it.

This weekend I will study for my French oral and nothing else. I'm scared shitless.

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