Friday, April 13, 2007

Blades of Glory tonight

I'm at school right now. Block four. Beckie's at Peak, the internet is lagging and I'm bored. So, I'll catch up a bit, like I promised to do a few days ago.

So, I can't remember many details of the past few weeks. The week back from Spring Break consisted of me being a nervous wreck about my TOK presentation. On Tuesday I took advantage of getting home before seven for the last time until . . . I don't know when. The rugby teams came home on Wednesday and had a game the next day, but they were all jet-lagged and bitchy, and my presentation was starting the next day, so I left the game early and quite pissed.

That weekend, I do not remember. I'll think about it.

Last week was taken up by my presentation. What was supposed to start on Friday and end Tuesday Started on Friday and ended on the Monday of this week, with one day off on the Tuesday because we had a toc. I honestly thought that it would never end. The presentation itself wasn't too bad; at least it was better than the natural science group before us. Apparently our first day, talking about how identity affects the way we percieve history was "better than sex," according to Jon. I took most of the week off of rugby, not that I would have done anything anyways.

This week we finally finished our presentation. I had an evening choir practice that lasted about two hours too long. I've started rugby again. Just fitness. We are playing Heritage after school.

Sun Run Sunday.

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