Wednesday, June 13, 2007


So Sunday wasn't interesting. I slept in, then spent the rest of the day on the computer.

Monday, um, I watched the first half of A Handmaid's Tale in Mikhael's English class, because I had never seen it before. In TOK we discussed Gary Larson comics. In Math I put up with a block of Anal's verbal abuse, and so in block four Beckie and I went to Starbucks and talked about my dance shows to calm me down. In history we, I don't remember what we did, but I think it involved a short film and a package? All of my history classes are like that these days; it's hard to keep track.

Yesterday I was finishing the movie in Kuku's class in block one, but I ended up leaving before it was finished, due to that bitch Supriya, who bitched at me when I told her to shut up because she was talking rather loudly (in a Supriya-like fashion) about Student Council elections, and how nobody was going to vote for her because nobody liked her (I wonder why). Apparently Beckie told her off after I left. In TOK we were discussing pornography. Block three put up with more verbal abuse, and Anal tried to prove to us how east IB math can be; meanwhile we were all silently wishing that he would go back to the curriculum, because our exam is in a week. Idiot. In block four Beckie and I just talked, though we made a visit to Saucier's office to drop off my working bibliography. In history a bunch of us quietly discussed what will happen during Friday's class. I visited Grandma Eileen for about an hour, she gave me a Twix bar and bitched about hospital food and Sharon. Next time I visit I'm bringing dinner. She practically lives on candy. I had a quick dinner at the Austin with my parents, then we went back to PMSS for the year end band/choir concert. We sneaked out early.

Today I had choir testing. Uneventful. We weren't being peer marked this time. Block one I plotted with Karolina, timed how long it takes to get from one corner of the upstairs square to the opposite corner, talked with Ms Ross, etc. Spent the rest of the block doing the crossword in 24 Hours. TOK talked about pornography, but that eventually turned to what people would say to their kids if they found Playboy magazines underneath their beds. It's Hunnings' 25th anniversary today. Advisory, we received yearbooks. The rugby page is all wrong; they spelled my name wrong, forgot Mikhael's name, and the biggest picture on the girl's page is from last year. Block three more abuse, and got a couple tests back. Block four Beckie and I signed each other's yearbooks, but not until after I discovered that Beckie's book was missing eight double-sided pages and she received a new one. We went down to DeVita's room to find him playing the guitar, so I took a picture, then I got him to sign my yearbook, even though he didn't teach me this year, and we talked about math. In history we started watching Swing Kids, and I'm really enjoying it. There are quite a few good actors in the cast, like Robert Sean Leonard, Christian Bale and Kenneth Branagh. We'll finish watching it on Friday, as tomorrow is our final.

Tomorrow after school the rugby teams are having a barbecue, and we've invited the middle school rugby players. Afterwards I'm going to one of Beckie's year end dance shows.

I can't wait until next Wednesday is over. I'm quite drained. Been listening to the same song on repeat for the past hour and a half.

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