Saturday, September 08, 2007

Is that a yes or an if?

I haven't been updating because I've been working late and school and everything, but soon I will have a quick update on the past week. I'm watching Saturday Night Live right now, and I'm going to be waking up at five to hopefully watch some rugby.

Aww, hell, I'll do it now.

Monday was lazy and I didn't do anything.

Tuesday I met with Mikhael at Starbucks and we hung out at school for hours before we had to actually be there. Because of that we got first pick of my advisory's (sorry, phoenix's) lockers, and scored a green one, four lockers away from the old one.

Me and my new locker:

I had work after, and every evening until Friday I closed with Kailey.

Wednesday was the first day of classes and it was long and tedious.

Thursday in math I started a Mr Martin "clearly" count that I will continue for the rest of the semester. On Thursday he said "clearly" twenty-two times.

Yesterday's "clearly" count was thirty-seven. It helps me concentrate, you know. We had the obligatory beginning-of-the-year assembly, where Beckie was mildly embarrassed for wearing a low-cut shirt and I received a great right arm massage.

Today I went over to Mikhael's, where we played tennis and on swings, and did an art project.

Tomorrow I am buying running shoes, going to Bard on the Beach (Julius Ceasar) and going to dance.

Other possible titles for this post:

Stuck with Fish
Because everyone needs a locker walrus (And my locker WILL have a locker walrus, come Monday, if I remember)
Veal Numbers
You've gotta be nutsos
I need to massage my bread

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