Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pics from Senior Sail

First four photos courtesy of Beckie.

Beckie and I

Beckie, Me, Mikhael Denis

We found Yuan

Louise, Beckie, Brian, Mikhael, Denis

Louise, Beckie, Me, Katherine

Mikhael and I

Omar and I, with Alex in the background

Omar, Me, Beckie

Mikhael and I

Mikhael and I, and Sam's back

Denis in his 'Soviet Coat' with Jas hanging on for no apparent reason

Part of Beckie's head, Katherine, Me

Second attempt

We finally got someone to take it for us

Tena and I

Tena and Beckie

Tena, Beckie, Megan, SUS

Megan and I

Beckie, Megan, Me, Carolee

Kevin, Mikhael, Yuan

Brian and Mikhael trying to look cool

I caught Megan off-guard

'Russian Power' Mikhael and Denis

Me, Ilona

Ilona, Beckie

Jas was trying to take pictures of Mikhael and I doing that Titanic thing, but he couldn't get a good angle

Mikhael and Alex

I call this one, 'Me, Beckie and Kevin's Tie'

Same picture, only with Kevin's face

Mikhael and I

Beckie and Mikhael

Louise, Me


Me, Andre

Beckie, Andre

Mikhael and I

Rocky, Mikhael, Horia, Alim, James, Kevin

Rocky and Mikhael

James, Horia, Me, Mikhael, Rocky, Kevin, Alim

Me, Alex

Yuki and Mikhael

Denis and Mikhael dancing

Mikhael and I during one of the two slow dances

Beckie and Denis

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