Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why I hate everyone

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I woke up early, went to Mikhael's, him Beckie and I watched Iron Chef and ate cheese pizza, then Beckie left and Mikhael and I continued what we had been doing before she left, minus the pizza, because we had eaten it all. For laughs and giggles, and for a change in scenery, we watched an episode of Family Guy before I left, but I had seen the episode before.

Things went a little downhill at Coquitlam Station because I started to bitch about IB kids, and by the time I went to bed my heart was racing because I was so angry, and I was about ready to kill someone.

Restless night, and I got up this morning, mood unchanged. It got worse and worse till sometime halfway through bio, then it was better till English, then I was angry again, but to control it I wrote a list of why I hate my English class. It has fifteen reasons so far, though one pertains to NS and one specifically to Yuan. I decided I needed to be more honest and spent most of the block ranting to Arnold, because he's pretty good. I like Arnold. He's not on my 'kill everyone' list.

The restaurant we're going to for my parents' thirtieth anniversary next month has two tuna dishes. I'm quite pleased.

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