Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Please don't drink and drive. Please don't drink and drive. Please don't drink and drive..."

I haven't updated for a few days now, but I've been surprisingly busy. On Saturday I hung out with dad at home because my mom had to work and Erin had a six hour exam. We went into Coquitlam to pick them up, and visited my cousin for a couple hours (who I think is slowing down a bit, even though she spent the whole time running around and screaming). My dad spent about half the time playing with Kendall, who is about nine months old now and a lot more mobile than she was when I last saw her. Garrett gave mom, Erin and I permission to eat part of her birthday cake (Dora the Explorer themed, of course). She also has new nicknames for a few of us. She is Dora. Her mother is Diego, Dora's friend. I am Teacher, although I have no idea why. Erin is still being called Abby. Collectively we are both Abby. Brad, her father, is Daddy Princess.

On a somewhat similar note, my dear Auntie Evelyn McIntyre (not blood related, thank god) has written up the story of my Great Grandparents, Alec and Ella McIntyre. You can tell that she used to be a schoolteacher. A six year old could read it. For example:

"Alec liked to jog. He was always jogging. He would jog to the post office to pick up the mail. He would jog to the fields to collect the cows...

Jog Alec, Jog.
Funny funny Alec..."


"All the cows were big and mean and didn't like going into the corral every night. It wasn't easy, but somehow Alec always managed to get them in..."

My grandmother's response: "Yeah, with giant whips. He could get those bastards moving by whipping them."

I love my grandmother.

On Sunday my family went "shopping". We went to the Austin Diner for a really cheap breakfast, to Costco for various groceries and Hep A immunizations for my mom and me, then we went to the Ridge Meadows Shopping area thingy and spent a few hours there. Our first stop was HomeSense. My dad loves that store because it’s full of useless stuff that nobody ever wants. That's where we got that cat goblet, and it's where my parents got the lunch box and fish on a stick for the School District 43 councilor’s annual Christmas Party and gift exchange. We didn't find anything really interesting, but that might have been because Erin wasn't very into it. I think that she’s getting old. Next to HomeSense was Winners, so of course we had to go there to laugh at and try on hideous clothing that we would never buy. Erin found a rather nice jacket that fit me, so I bought it. It’s sort of in a Modern-Yet-WWII-Military style. We checked out Jysk after that, but wasn’t much there that was interesting, only a pig that danced to My Girl that my mom wouldn’t let me buy. We took a break for coffee after that. I had a caramel macchiato. We went to Pier 1 Imports after our break, where we bumped into Robin Kenny, a former Girl Guide leader (her daughter received her Canada Cord the same year as Erin), who apparently now works at Pier 1. We bought a stuffed blue zebra for Kendall for Christmas. After that we decided we were done, so we went home. Erin and I were immediately forced into sorting bags for the Think of Me campaign, and I managed to salvage about a third of them by adding positive anti-drinking messages or changing the messages of a few. Some pictures unsalvageable rejects are on Erin’s blog.

Yesterday Erin and I finished sorting the bags and dad Erin and I bought a Christmas tree which we are going to set up on Thursday. I don’t remember what else we did, only that I was in an unusually good mood for most of the day.

Today we ordered a turkey, which I am not very happy about because I hate turkey. I miss the days when we had salmon for Christmas dinner. We bought mom a bunch of British food, candy, etc. for Christmas, which we are going to wrap up individually and leave all over the house for her to find on Christmas day. We had sushi for lunch, dropped off the bags to various liquor stores, and went to Starbucks to celebrate. We went to the park house to wait for mom's train to arrive. Erin and I fought...wrestled...over the possession of the couch, which I finally won because Erin is that much more ticklish than I am. I spent the next twenty minutes sleeping. We came home after we picked up mom.

That brings me up to now. Tomorrow I am going to help dad and Erin put in the lino in our bedroom so we can finally move in and I can finally have a real bed again. It’s been eleven months. After that we can set up the Christmas tree because we will actually have room for it in the living room. I have a feeling that it will just be me decorating it again this year because that is what happened during Christmas’s 2002 and 2003. Each year it took me a really long time too. We have boxes of ornaments and almost every one of them is unique. Last year we didn’t have a tree because we were moving. Tomorrow I am also going to go skating with SUS, Krisha, Megan, Faaria, Siobhan, Amber and whoever else may be coming. I hate skating. I am going to go because I want to see my friends again. I also want to get out of this shithole for a few hours.

I am going to go to bed now. Goodnight.

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